Safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility

Safeguarding is an integral of school life at Northview Primary School and is everyone’s responsibility.  All staff receive annual training, as well as regular updates and refreshers, to help them to recognise abuse and to promote the welfare of our children. 

It is important for children to feel safe.  Our day-to-day practices, our curriculum and through the use of specialist organisations such as the NSPCC, help empower our children by teaching them how to recognise abuse, stay safe on and offline and to use their voices to speak out.  Children are encouraged to talk to a trusted adult if they are worried about anything. This can be done face to face or a note can be put in their class worry box.

At times, we may need to share information, get advice or work in partnership with other agencies if we are concerned about a child’s welfare. We believe it is always better to be transparent with all parties at these times and work together to achieve the best outcomes.

There may be times when you need extra help and support. If this is the case, please come and talk to us. There are many ways in which we can help.

Our Safeguarding Team:

·      Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Nkechi Obinwanne

·         Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Nourhan Barouma

·         Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead and SENDCo: Mrs Himadri Raval


Safeguarding leaflet 

Safeguarding Policy


